
When will CPI2021 be taking place?
CPI2021 will be held the weekend of March 20-21.
How much will it cost to participate?
CPI2021’s registration for two days of racing will cost $150, with a late fee of $50 for those who register after March 1st.
What does my registration fee cover?
The registration is used to cover basic race expenses such as paddlers kits (hat, race jersey, and assorted gift items) as well as medals, trophies, medical and water safety personel, escorts as well as media coverage of event, food buffet and drinks upon completion of legs 1 and 2 of race.
Is my registration refundable in the case that the event is canceled or I acquire covid-19 before the event?
Event registration is 100 percent refundable if the event is canceled due to government mandated restrictions or if a participant has proof of contracting covid19.
Will I be required to be tested to participate in CPI2021?
Yes, each participant will be required to be tested 3 days or less prior to event. If a participant tests positive, we will refund their registration fee.
What other expenses will I have to cover to participate?
Other projected expenses are your hotel rates for overnight stay in Isla Contadora (estimated $60-70), meals, escort (aprox. $250) and ferry ($48) if you choose to return on the ferry instead of your escort boat.
Hotel rates at Hotel La Isla are special rates for the event and include breakfast although the participant is not obligated to stay at the day 1 venue.